Fuel Your Workouts with Coffee: 3 Unexpected Benefits of Drinking Coffee
The Daily Grind

Fuel Your Workouts with Coffee: 3 Unexpected Benefits of Drinking Coffee

We all know that coffee gives us a jolt of energy in the morning, but did you know that it can also be a great way to fuel your workouts? That’s right, coffee can actually improve your athletic performance. Here are three unexpected benefits of drinking coffee before you hit the gym.

Improved blood flow

According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, coffee improves blood flow to your muscles by up to 26%! That means that your muscles will get more oxygen and nutrients, which will help you power through your workouts

Increased fat burning

Caffeine helps to release fatty acids from your fat stores, which makes them available for use as energy. So not only will you have more energy to power through your workout, but you’ll also be burning more fat.

Enhanced mental focus

We all know that coffee can help us to feel more awake and alert, but did you know that it can also improve our focus and cognitive function? A study published in Frontiers in Neuroscience found that athletes who drank coffee before working out had improved reaction times and were better able to resist fatigue. So next time you’re struggling to get going at the gym, try sipping on some coffee first. You might just find that it gives you the boost you need to power through your workout

Who would have thought that something so simple could be so beneficial? Next time you’re looking for a little extra motivation to hit the gym, try drinking some coffee first. You may just find that it gives you the boost you need to power through your workout and see results.